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New speakers have been installed.

I was given a YAMAHA HS5 at a very reasonable price by a trackmaker who is the same age as me.

I've been using it for a couple of years now.

Now that my arranging, sound making, mixing, and artist activities are in full swing

It's finally time to evolve and upgrade my speakers!

I'll get right to it. The speaker I bought is a Focal Solo 6 BE!

It's a bad one for those who understand.

At the time, I was thinking that Genelec and Neumann speakers were just fine.

But when I listened to them in the store, I instantly knew this was the one.

I was able to find something that I can use as a mainstay even if I have a proper studio in the future.

I'm going to use it carefully.

By the way, I use Sonarworks Reference4 to calibrate my speakers.

I use Sonarworks Reference4 to calibrate my speakers.

I also use Sonarworks Reference4 for speaker calibration.

↓Here is a video of it in use.↓

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